Hardin Valley
Hardin Valley

Women’s Ministry

Connect, Serve, Grow

Our vibrant ministry engages the particular needs of women through supportive connection, cooperative service, and transformative spiritual growth.

Ladies Day

This annual meeting in late August offers members and visitors a day away from life’s responsibilities to focus on praise, prayer, and scripture. Small group discussions relate the messages of special speakers to real-life applications. This day of fun, food (lunch is included), mixers, and conversation promotes lasting social connections and increases our sense of community at the beginning of the academic school year.

Spring Retreat

Our Spring Retreat is an annual event where members and guests are invited to gather in late January at a hotel in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The program begins on Friday night and ends after our Sunday morning worship time. This relaxed weekend offers the perfect venue to make new friendships and renew old ones. In addition to enjoying special speakers and topics, we sing, pray, and participate in deeper small group discussions. Together, we encourage each other in our faith journeys as we experience God’s love within the context of community.

Heart Sisters

This impactful intergenerational ministry of hospitality brings together women who have raised adult children with younger women (married or single). Comprised of five mentors and eight mentees, each group meets once a month for the academic school year. Mentors rotate hosting, preparing a meal, and offering a craft or activity. Sometimes members enjoy cooking together and sharing recipes. Meetings are concluded with a group devotional or video series and a time of prayer. Any women interested in joining Heart Sisters are invited to sign up in September or see Heidi Whitaker for more information at (865) 384-1009.


The women at Hardin Valley Church of Christ are serving God’s kingdom in significant ways. Service opportunities exist in various areas, such as hospitality, teaching, mentoring, sewing, tutoring, cooking, technology, design, childcare, visitation, and organization. The possibilities for service are as endless and unique as the gifts and talents of our capable women.


Bible Classes

The formational power of God’s Word remains at the center of our women’s ministry. As we open the pages of the Bible together, we find wisdom and courage for life. Our teaching ministry offers regular women’s classes on Sunday mornings, Monday evenings, Tuesday mornings, and Wednesday evenings. The Sunday and Wednesday classes occur during the children’s Bible classes, and the Tuesday morning class provides childcare. These classes relate Scripture to real life through group discussion and practical applications.

To discover how you can become involved with the Hardin Valley Church of Christ Women’s Ministry, please contact Ashli Komistek at (865)705-6222. There is a place for every woman to connect, serve, and grow!